Qatar LNG news
MOL and QatarEnergy sign time charter for six LNG carrier newbuilds
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd has entered into a long-term time charter contract of six QC-MAX, 271 000 m3 LNG carriers with QatarEnergy.
QatarEnergy LNG reaches environmental milestone with JBOG facility
QatarEnergy LNG has celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Jetty boil-off gas facility, a project that has played a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from LNG loading operations.
QatarEnergy and Shell enter long-term SPA for 3 million tpy of LNG to China
QatarEnergy and Shell have entered into a new long-term sale and purchase agreement for the supply of 3 million tpy of LNG to China.
QatarEnergy inaugurates first four LNG vessel from shipbuilding programme
QatarEnergy has inaugurated four new conventional-size LNG vessels built in the Samsung Heavy Industries Shipyard and the Hanwha Ocean Shipyard in the Republic of Korea as part of QatarEnergy’s fleet expansion programme.
Wood Mackenzie: Another bumper year for LNG contracting
Daniel Toleman, Research Director, Global LNG, and Kristina Gogoli, Senior Research Analyst, Gas & LNG, Wood Mackenzie, have reported another bumper yeah for LNG contracting, with Middle East sellers capturing the market share.
QatarEnergy inaugurates Rex Tillerson
QatarEnergy has inaugurated the first conventional-size LNG vessel under its shipbuilding programme, the Rex Tillerson.
QatarEnergy and KPC sign 15-year SPA
QatarEnergy entered into a 15-year LNG sale and purchase agreement with Kuwait Petroleum Corp. for the supply of up to 3 million tpy of LNG to the State of Kuwait.
QatarEnergy selects CPC as NFE partner
QatarEnergy signed definitive agreements with CPC Corp., Taiwan, covering the long-term supply of LNG to CPC and partnership in the North Field East LNG expansion project.
QatarEnergy and Nakilat sign long-term charter agreement
QatarEnergy has signed a long-term agreement with Nakilat where which Nakilat will own and operate nine ‘QC-Max’ class LNG vessels.
CSSC to build 18 LNG tankers for QatarEnergy
China State Shipbuilding Corporation has signed a contract for the building of 18 super-heavy LNG tankers with QatarEnergy.