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White papers

Download technical white papers from the LNG sector.


7 Guidelines for choosing your Instrument & Service Air Package

Alvaro Rodriguez, Sales Manager for Europe and Africa at Ingersoll Rand, provides best practices for choosing the right Engineered Air Compressor Package. Read the white paper to learn more!

Published on the 20 June 2024

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Keeping it Simple: Liquefaction Trains for Modern LNG Facilities

The evolving landscape of the LNG market demands solutions that balance efficiency, reduce carbon intensity, and provide flexibility in plant design. Air Products shares key process and design considerations for modern LNG facilities.

Published on the 07 May 2024

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ICIS Energy Outlook: The Slow Road to Recovery. 2024 Outlook for Gas, Power and Carbon Markets

What does 2024 hold for gas, power and carbon supply, demand and pricing? The ICIS energy outlook is a comprehensive report of market conditions for the year ahead based on trusted data & insights.

Published on the 04 March 2024

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Why Selecting the Proper Valve Technology is Critical to Achieving Success in the Expanding Hydrogen Economy

Explore how proper hydrogen valves are critical to the growth of the booming hydrogen economy and need for safety, quality, and efficiency.

Published on the 27 February 2024

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Making sense of LNG market volatility

How can LNG buyers navigate LNG procurement in the current volatile market environment and amidst evolving contracting dynamics?

Published on the 30 November 2023

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Measuring the LNG process with confidence

Download Panametrics’ e-Book ‘Measuring the LNG process with confidence’ to learn more about its measurement solutions for all LNG stages.

Published on the 01 November 2023

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LNG-Induced Risk Premium Amplified Across 2024/2025

Prolonged tightness in the global LNG market is expected to leave European gas prices vulnerable to upside risk across 2024 – 2025. Access analysis of the prices, developments, and events impacting the European natural gas and LNG market.

Published on the 01 November 2023

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Smooth Sailing: Considerations for Planning a Floating LNG Facility

Train size and liquefaction process influence the overall capacity and size of an FLNG vessel. Air Products shares key considerations to maximize LNG production in the smallest footprint and lowest module weight.

Published on the 01 November 2023

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Showing 1 to 8 of 35 lng white papers.