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White papers

Download technical white papers from the LNG sector.


Liquefaction options continue to expand

Read this white paper to learn more about the advantages of gas expansion processes and why these cycles are particularly attractive for arctic applications.

Published on the 01 November 2021

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Decarbonize now with LNG-to-power

LNG-to-power is a perfect way to transition to clean energy production. LNG is already much cleaner than other fossil fuels and is a reliable partner for renewables. This white paper describes why LNG is the fuel for change.

Published on the 01 October 2021

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A fresh look at accelerating electrification and the role that thermal plays

The goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement are now playing out, with companies and governments making drastic changes to hit their ambitious targets. While investment in clean energy is a huge part of these changes, it must go hand-in-hand with the further electrification of industrial processes. Read this white paper to find out more.

Published on the 01 September 2021

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Power to Gas – benefits of ultrasonic gas meters

Read this white paper to learn about the admixture of hydrogen from renewable energies into the natural gas grid and the associated suitability of ultrasonic gas meters.

Published on the 30 June 2021

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Finding the right combination of LNG subcooling and end-flash

This white paper explores how to find the right combination of LNG subcooling and end-flash.

Published on the 30 June 2021

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The added value of the Valmet DNA Integrated Operations solution in a small-scale virtual pipeline

In this white paper, Valmet Automation provides the measured operational performance improvement in the small-scale virtual pipeline (SSVP) supply chain.

Published on the 26 May 2021

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Insulation Advances: Mitigating noise and CUI in your processing plants

High noise levels can be harmful to plant personnel and can also affect productivity. This white paper discusses how proper selection and installation of insulating materials can bring noise levels down at less than 50% of the thickness.

Published on the 26 May 2021

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Decarbonization, Electrification and the Case for Modern Electric Process Heaters

Because of climate change and tougher emissions regulations, companies in LNG and other industries feel the pressure to decarbonise. One way to reduce your carbon footprint is to replace fired heaters with electric ones.

Published on the 01 April 2021

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Showing 25 to 32 of 35 lng white papers.