GAZ-SYSTEM completes Swinoujscie LNG terminal expansion
Published by Jessica Casey,
LNG Industry,
As a result of comprehensive expansion consisting in increasing the number of submerged combustion vaporisers (SCV) regasifiers, and building a second quay and a third tank for process storage of LNG, the regasification capacity of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie has amounted to 8.3 billion m3/y since 1 January 2025.
The expansion of the terminal implements one of the key goals of the country's Energy Policy, which refers to the diversification of sources and directions of natural gas supply. Thanks to the terminal, Poland has the ability to import gas from various parts of the world in liquefied form and then, after regasification, send it through gas pipelines into the country and beyond the borders. In 2015, the capacity of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie, as an entry point to the national transmission system, was 5 billion m3/y. From 1 January 2025, the terminal's regasification capacity is 8.3 billion m3 and corresponds to almost 50% of the annual demand for gas from domestic customers.
“The expansion of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie is yet another proof that Poland is consistently implementing its strategy of diversifying gas supplies and strengthening its energy security. Thanks to this investment, we are becoming even more independent, which is of key importance in the dynamically changing geopolitical situation. The LNG terminal in Swinoujscie, as a strategic element of the country's energy infrastructure, opens up access to gas markets, and guarantees flexible supplies. I would like to thank everyone involved in the implementation of this project for their efforts and determination in difficult conditions,” said Marzena Czarnecka, Minister of Industry.
“The expansion of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie is the result of the long-term strategy of the Polish state, the aim of which is to build a strong, sustainable, and flexible energy infrastructure, ensuring the supply of natural gas to Poland from many alternative sources and directions. We have built strong foundations for the energy security of the Polish economy, which is ready for the challenges of the future, ready to adapt to global changes in the energy industry and the growing role of renewable energy sources,” emphasised Wojciech Wrochna, Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure.
“The LNG terminal in Swinoujscie, the Polish gas window to the world, is an important element of the real diversification of gas supply sources to Poland. Today, the facility has gained greater regasification capacity and new functionalities. We are more energy secure and have access to competitive natural gas markets around the world. The investment was carried out in difficult times of the pandemic and war abroad, so I would like to thank the employees of GAZ-SYSTEM and the institutions and offices that participated in its implementation and led to a happy ending,” concluded Slawomir Hinc, President of GAZ-SYSTEM.
The facility expansion program was divided into two stages. The first stage consisted in increasing the operating parameters of the existing regasification installation, including by installing two more SVC, regasifiers, and a measurement line. As a result of these activities, from January 2022, the terminal was able to provide regasification services, with a capacity of 6.2 billion m3.
As part of the second stage, a third tank and a second quay for unloading, loading, and bunkering LNG were built, along with a transmission viaduct connecting the quay installations with the new tank. The task of these facilities is to improve the flexibility of the terminal's operation and increase operational capabilities, including receiving larger volumes of LNG gas supplies and bunkering, i.e. refuelling ships with LNG directly at the quay. Thanks to the construction of these facilities, the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie achieved regasification capacity of 8.3 billion m3/y.
The investor in the construction of the hydrotechnical part of the quay, i.e. the ship berth, the marine structure of the transmission viaduct and the mooring infrastructure was the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority.
The project of expanding the Polish Terminal is on the European list of Projects of Common Interest, which includes investments of particular importance for increasing the security and degree of diversification of natural gas supplies in Europe and those investments that also contribute to achieving EU energy and climate goals.
The investment related to the expansion is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014 – 2020 in the amount of approximately PLN 461 million.
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