Joint development project to assess lifecycle of a newbuild LNG carrier
Published by Jessica Casey,
LNG Industry,
Lloyd’s Register (LR), Knutsen, HD Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) have announced a study as part of a joint development project (JDP) to measure carbon emissions through the entire life cycle of a newbuild LNG Carrier.
The JDP is the first maritime industry study to measure carbon emissions for the entire lifecycle of a ship from raw material extraction to its decommission and recycling. The study will include equipment and component manufacture, its transportation to the shipyard, as well as the commissioning, construction, operation, and maintenance of the ship.
The lifecycle assessment will provide the detailed environmental impact of an identified LNG carrier and its carbon emissions, quantifying each construction stage’s raw material usage, energy inputs, and environmental releases, as well as the emissions for the vessel’s operations and eventual disposal.
The study will determine the environmental output of the vessel build process, helping organisations to improve their regulatory readiness and provide estimations on the impacts of future regulations, along with data to provide the basis for sustainability strategies.
The JDP will also lay the groundwork for LR rulesets, requirements, and guidance on how to assess carbon emission in the entire lifecycle of a ship.
“As part of the decarbonisation of our sector, maritime organisations need to ensure that they rethink the sustainability of the design, build and operation of vessels,” said Andy McKeran, Chief Commercial Officer, Lloyd’s Register. “This first of its kind study will provide stakeholders with the unique opportunity to collect quantifiable data that measures the environmental impact of the ship build process and analysis across a vessel’s entire lifecycle. This is vital information that will help organisations to determine their future sustainability strategies.”
“As the global environmental regulations are expanding to the entire value chain, our joint development project for the lifecycle assessment of ships will be a crucial step for both shipbuilding and shipping industries. By measuring a ship's environmental impact through its lifecycle, we can effectively determine improvement priorities and sustainable business strategy,” added Kwanghean An, President & Chief Operating Officer, HD KSOE.
“We have for a long time been interested in finding out lifetime CO2 emissions from a ship. This project will give interesting results to be used for further optimisation of the fleet and to do more qualified assessments for deciding whether to extend the lifetime of vessels, do conversions/upgrades or build new vessels in order to minimise emissions. We are very happy to be a partner with Lloyd’s Register and KSOE on this project and look forward to seeing the end results of the study,” said Jarle Østenstad, Director Newbuilding and Innovation, Knutsen.
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