FERC issues Commonwealth LNG’s notice of schedule for environmental review
Published by David Rowlands,
LNG Industry,
The project comprises the construction of one LNG plant, including six gas liquefaction trains and appurtenant facilities. Each train will have a liquefaction design capacity of approximately 1.4 million metric tpy for a total nominal liquefaction capacity of 8.4 million tpy.
The project is located on the west side of the Calcasieu Ship Channel, near the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. It will include six 40 000 m3 capacity LNG storage tanks, one marine loading berth capable of loading LNG carriers up to a capacity of 216 000 m3, and a 3.04 mile long, 30 in. diameter pipeline that will connect the LNG facility with existing intrastate and interstate pipelines for the purpose of supplying gas to the project.
The schedule of environmental review is as follows: issuance of the draft EIS in May 2020; issuance of notice of availability of the final EIS 2 October 2020; 90-day federal authorisation decision deadline 31 December 2020.
Paul Varello, Commonwealth LNG’s President and CEO, said: “We are very pleased to receive FERC’s issuance of notice of schedule for environmental review. It confirms that our project remains on schedule to take FID in 1Q21 and start commercial operations in 1Q24.”
Read the article online at: https://www.lngindustry.com/liquefaction/22102019/ferc-issues-commonwealth-lngs-notice-of-schedule-for-environmental-review/
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