Commonwealth LNG files draft Resource Report 13 with FERC
Published by David Rowlands,
LNG Industry,
The President and CEO of Commonwealth Projects, Paul Varello, said: “With the submission of draft Resource Report 13 to the FERC, Commonwealth LNG continues to actively progress the development of its export facility.
“Commonwealth LNG is focused on managing risk and lowering capital cost resulting in a platform that enables the competitive delivery of LNG to any market, under shorter and more flexible contract terms.”
According to the statement, FERC’s final acceptance of the application is expected to be announced in early April this year, and will represent a key milestone in the construction of the LNG facility.
The LNG project is located on the west bank of the Calcasieu Ship Channel at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. It has a total liquefaction capacity of 8.4 million tpy, and is expected to begin operations in 1Q24.
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