Large-capacity crude oil tanker to cross Northern Sea Route on LNG for first time
Published by David Rowlands,
LNG Industry,
The vessel set sail on 26 August 2019, and is delivering a cargo of crude oil from the port of Murmansk to China. The journey from Cape Zhelaniya to Cape Dezhnev will take approximately eight days, with the ship travelling at an expected average speed of 12 knots.
While transiting from the Laptev Sea to the East Siberian Sea, Sovcomflot claims the LNG-fuelled vessel will follow the ‘Tikhonov’ deep-water route that lies north of the New Siberian Islands, which was first opened for commercial shipping in 2011 by the company’s tanker Vladimir Tikhonov.
The crew of Korolev Prospect includes Vasily Yermakov, one of the most experienced ice captains in Sovcomflot’s fleet, who acts as an ice adviser for this voyage.
Sovcomflot currently has six LNG-fuelled crude oil tankers in operation, including Korolev Prospect, and five more under construction. Korolev Prospect was delivered in February this year, and has a deadweight of 113 232 t, a length of 250 m, breadth of 44 m, and an ice class of 1A hull.
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