MAN Energy Solutions pledges incentives to stimulate decarbonisation
Published by David Rowlands,
LNG Industry,
The conference, entitled ‘Greek and European Shipping: Setting Sail for the Future’, was organised by Naftemporiki (prominent Greek financial newspaper) and the Greek Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, represented by its Minister, Fotis Kouvelis. According to the statement, Wayne Jones OBE, Chief Sales Officer and Member of the Executive Board, represented MAN Energy Solutions at the event and took part in a panel discussion on decarbonisation, the latest fuels introduced to the market, and the impact of the impending International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations, among other matters.
Jones said: “From the engine-maker’s point of view, one of the biggest challenges is to reach agreement on which fuel to use, one that will meet not only the regulations of today, but those of tomorrow. What will everyone use in the future or will there be a myriad of fuels? For me, the only way forward is to go with gaseous fuels – and the infrastructure will follow in due course.
“MAN Energy Solutions believes fully in its technology, to the extent that we pledge to subsidise the first 10 shipowners that convert their engines to LNG or a gas-derived fuel – up to a cumulative total of €2 million – because I think someone has to stimulate the industry to think more holistically and long-term.”
MAN Energy Solutions claims that Jones’ statements tie in with the company’s belief that it is time for a ‘maritime energy transition’, i.e. finding clean, decarbonised solutions for seaborne trade and transportation. Essentially, it is the company’s call to action to reduce emissions and establish natural gases as the fuels of choice in global shipping. It strongly promotes a global ‘turn to gas’, driven by the IMO, and a common approach by the shipping industry and politics to invest in infrastructure development and retrofits.
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