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LNG Industry - March 2012

LNG Industry - March 2012

The Spring issue of LNG Industry takes a look at the Asian LNG market, and includes articles focused on small-scale LNG solutions, FLNG, shipping costs, storage and coating solutions.

In this issue


LNG Industry - December 2011

LNG Industry - December 2011

The Winter issue of LNG Industry has  a particular focus on LNG safety and alternative uses of LNG apart from transportation, ranging from locomotive use to shipping fuel.

In this issue


LNG Industry - September 2011

LNG Industry - September 2011

The Autumn issue of LNG Industry features a specific focus on the industry in the Asia Pacific region. Articles cover the changing focus of the LNG market towards this region, as well as highlighting growth plans in Australia. Other articles look at the rise of FLNG; covering challenges inherent in this sector.

In this issue


LNG Industry - June 2011

LNG Industry - June 2011

The Summer issue of LNG Industry features a regional report on the European LNG market. Other articles consider the future of LNG in the global energy mix, methods for effective terminal and FLNG carrier operations, and technological innovations.

In this issue


LNG Industry - March 2011

LNG Industry - March 2011

The Spring 2011 issue of LNG Industry will be distributed at Gastech in Amsterdam, and takes a regional focus on the LNG industry in North and South America. We also cover terminal developments in Qatar and Yemen, discuss the ups and downs of the global shipping market and explore a wide range of recent technical developments in the industry.

In this issue


LNG Industry - December 2010

LNG Industry - December 2010

The Winter issue of LNG Industry examines the changing dynamics behind the European gas market. We also look at small scale and mid-scale LNG, valuable training techniques and the effectiveness of different methods of cryogenic insulation. We also feature a preview of some of the companies exhibiting at the 2011 Gastech conference and exhibition in Amsterdam.

In this issue


LNG Industry - September 2010

LNG Industry - September 2010

The Autumn issue of LNG Industry goes into the heart of Asia to examine Gazprom's business strategy in the Far East. We also look at the challenges involved in the commercialisation of coal seam gas projects, and methods to ensure safety in LNG facilities.

In this issue


LNG Industry - June 2010

LNG Industry - June 2010

The Summer issue of LNG Industry takes a look at the role of LNG in North and South America, and looks at the growing role of FSRUs in the industry globally. Other features focus on short term chartering and methods for environmentally sustainable shipping. The issue also includes a preview of some of the companies exhibiting at the upcoming Turbomachinery Symposium in Houston, USA.

In this issue


LNG Industry - March 2010

LNG Industry - March 2010

The Spring issue of LNG Industry takes a look at the role of LNG in the Middle East, with a particular focus on Iran and Qatar. Other features focus on legal issues inherent in LNG acquisitions, dispelling myths about the safety risks involved in shipping LNG, and methods for lower cost production.  

In this issue


LNG Industry - December 2009

LNG Industry - December 2009

The Winter edition of LNG Industry features a regional report on industry demand in Europe, and also takes a look at how the industry is growing in Australia. The issue also covers developments in FSPOs, small scale LNG and peak shaving facilities, alongside a number of other features.

In this issue

Showing 131 to 140 of 146 back issues