March 2014
The March 2014 issue of LNG Industry focuses on small scale LNG and the latest developments in Africa. Other features include compressors, pumps & valves, ship classification and simulation.
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LNG news
East Africa: the newest LNG frontier
Nadja Kogdenko, Energy Delta Institute, the Netherlands, discusses the emergence of East Africa on the global LNG export stage.
Beating the bunkering challenge
Joerg Redlin, Marine Service GmbH, Germany, looks at containerised LNG fuel supply.
Methane methods
Dominique Ingrain, GDF Suez LNG, analyses the correlation between methane numbers and LNG/natural gas densities for LNG used as a fuel gas for engines.
Propelling the fuel of the future
Oscar Kallerdahl, Rolls-Royce, Norway, reflects on the dawn of a new era in escort tug propulsion.
Developing a generation
Hayato Suga, ClassNK, Japan, reviews recent developments in LNG vessels and the use of LNG as a ship fuel, as well as efforts to expand the frontiers of FLNG production and transportation.
Break the mould
Kevin Jackson, MOGAS Industries, Inc., looks at new valve technology for FLNG operations.
Helium: taking off!
Pascal Erni, WEKA AG, Switzerland, looks at cryogenic valves in operation at the Ras Laffan helium refinery in Qatar.
Innovate to extricate
Wiebke Breit and Stefan Fränkle, Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions, Germany, examines proven gas treatment capabilities.
Building alliances
Michael A. Tarala, RegO Compressed Gas and Cryogenics, USA, recommends strategies for global LNG product supply.
Stop the domino effect
Wayne Jacobson, Compressor Controls Corp., USA, presents a solution to prevent cascading trips at LNG plants.
King coal’s fading crown
Bernd von der Weppen, Siemens, China, looks at the increasing demand for turbocompressor trains as China builds more LNG terminals.
A guiding hand
Attilio Brighenti, Chiara Brighenti, and Riccardo Bressan, S.A.T.E. Systems and Advanced Technologies Engineering S.r.l., Italy, recommend effective pre-study of pulsation dampeners.
Simulation application
Timothy Park, Transas, USA, discusses the progression of customised simulation training within the LNG industry.
Prevention is better than cure
Gill Grady, GSE Systems, Inc., introduces high fidelity simulators for LNG plant verification and validation.
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