September 2013
The September/October issue of LNG Industry includes a regional report on the Middle East, as well as a global industry overview from Energy Delta Institute. The issue also focuses on gas dehydration, liquefaction technology, insulation, ship propulsion technology, pumps and storage.
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LNG news
The Middle East LNG story
Peter Kiernan, The Economist Intelligence Unit, UK, looks at the evolving tale of the Middle East LNG market. Read a preview of this article.
Changing landscape
Nadja Kogdenko, Energy Delta Institute, the Netherlands, looks at the rapid transformation of the global LNG industry. Read a preview of this article.
Missing piece of the puzzle
Tom Haylock and Inga Bettina Waldmann, KANFA Aragon, Norway, look at pre-treatment – the often overlooked piece in the FLNG puzzle.
Heating up
Roly Juliano, Watlow, USA, discusses optimal design features for electric heaters in glycol reboilers.
Removing the guesswork
Ralph H. Weiland and Nathan A. Hatcher, Optimized Gas Treating, Inc., USA, explain how precision mass transfer rate-based simulation removes reliance upon ‘rules of thumb’ in glycol dehydration.
Expanding horizons
Bill Howe, Geoff Skinner and Tony Maunder, Gasconsult Ltd, UK, discuss the development of new liquefaction technology.
Rocking & rolling
Gregory P. Wood, Ebara International Corp., USA, outlines how cryogenic pumps that have been used in land based installations are also suitable for FLNG vessels.
Modifying expectations
Steve Busby, Adanac Valve Specialities Ltd, UK, asks whether valve modification could provide the answer to the industry’s supply and demand concerns.
Insulation innovations
Steve Oslica, Pittsburgh Corning, USA, examines the developing challenge of material selection in the cryogenic insulation industry.
A long time coming
Erik Admiraal, Demaco, the Netherlands, outlines the benefits of vacuum insulated pipeline systems in LNG transfer.
Innovation through collaboration
Geoff Sewell, Clinton Lourens and Brenton Keast, John Holland Minerals & Industrial, Australia, review the benefits of a ‘project specific – design for construction’ delivery model in executing the
Curtis Island product loading jetties.
Ready, set, go!
Laurent Poidevin, Nicolas Duhamel and Joel Fusy, FMC Loading Systems, France, offer an offloading solution to help prepare customers for upcoming markets.
Bridging the gap
Anders Torud, NLI Innovation, and Peter Stockley, Wilhelmsen Technical Solutions, Norway, discuss how bunker design can facilitate the use of LNG as fuel.
Shipping solutions
Jürgen Harperscheidt, TGE Marine Gas Engineering, Germany, looks at the challenges of supplying high pressure gas for two stroke engines.
The next step
Brad Bodwell and Randy Hull, Prometheus Energy, USA, look at the accelerating market for off-highway LNG and its future use in fuelling fracturing operations.
Power in your hands
Osvaldo del Campo, GNC Galileo S.A., Argentina, addresses the challenge of bringing LNG production into consumers’ hands.
Equatorial equation
Dhirav Patel, Tom Phalen and John Mak, Fluor, USA, explain why LNG vaporiser selection should be based on a site’s ambient conditions.
Listening to the earth
Katherine Jeziorski, ESG Solutions, Canada, looks at ways to mitigate risk in natural gas storage using passive seismic monitoring.
Up in the cloud
Colin Watson, Symetri, UK, asks “What can the Cloud do for the LNG Industry?”
Know your neighbours
Lisa Hardess, Hardess Planning Inc., Canada, explains why a better response to Aboriginal concerns is needed for projects in Western Canada.
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