Collaboration setting the pace of innovation in the gas sector
Published by David Rowlands,
LNG Industry,
During Gastech 2018 in Barcelona in September, LR announced a number of innovative gas projects it is participating in or providing approval to, including awarding Approval in Principle (AiP) to Wison for a 300 MW Floating Storage, Regasification, Power Plant (FSRP), presenting Babcock’s ecoSMRT® technology with Risk Based Design (RBD) process approval, awarding AiP to Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for a Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC) capable of using LPG as fuel, supporting GE with marine gas turbine and digital analytic solutions and awarding AiP to Jiangnan Shipyard for 7500 m3 LNG bunker design.
LR, Wison and Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT) are working together to develop the 300 MW FSRP unit, following the announcement of the AiP. It will be designed, constructed and built to supply 300 MW electrical power, using LNG as fuel. The FSRP will be barge-type moored at a jetty or near-shore.
FSRPs are a relatively new design concept and the market is expected to expand in coming years. Essentially, a floating LNG power plant, the FSRP receives LNG from ships and stores it within its own tanks below deck, before regasifying the LNG and using it to fuel an onboard power plant. In this new design the power plant has a capacity of 300MW.
A Joint Development Project (JDP) agreement between LR, Wison and GTT was also signed at Gastech. This includes the undertaking of further work for example, more detailed design reviews, support for the preparation of Wison to build GTT membrane type LNG tanks as well as possible additional items like risk assessments.
Maarten Spilker, Wison Solutions Director said: “Our integrated LNG-to-power solution is a response to market demand for affordable power sources with a short development schedule. Using proven technology as building blocks, we put together a robust design. Together with Lloyd's Register, GTT and other key technology suppliers we will continue to mature and refine our product. High efficiency LNG-fuelled floating power plants offer a unique set of advantages over other power solutions. We will be ready to deliver.” Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT declared: “GTT is proud to place its LNG expertise in the service of such an innovative development project supporting the use of LNG for Power generation in a FSRP.”
David Barrow, LR Commercial Director – Marine and Offshore commented on presenting the AiP certificate: “LR has a unique expertise in the LNG field which is recognised by the market and which we are proud to be able to bring to this project, supporting and working in collaboration with Wison and GTT. We look forward to providing further strong technical support to the project, drawing on LR’s strong track record in LNG shipping and our experience in floating LNG.”
Additionally, Babcock International was recognised by LR in completing a critical step towards achieving the LR General Approval for an LNG ship for its innovative ecoSMRT® single mixed refrigeration reliquefaction technology.
Receiving LR Risk Based Design (RBD) process approval ecoSMRT® has successfully completed extensive hazard identification (HAZID) and hazard and operability study (HAZOP). This certification provides endorsement that Babcock’s ecoSMRT® technology has been developed to the high standards required by LR. RBD is in the final stage of review and certification for equipment ahead of receiving LR General Approval for Ship Application (GApp).
ecoSMRT®, Babcock’s disruptive technology for the LNG sector, delivers significant cost and footprint savings for its global customers in addition to environmental benefits and waste reduction. The system is designed to handle increased volumes of boil off gas (BOG) through a single compressor without the need for external pre-cooling.
Neale Campbell, Babcock LGE Managing Director, said: “Our RBD approval by Lloyd’s Register highlights Babcock’s innovation within the liquefied gas market and ecoSMRT® is a shining example that we are trusted to deliver. We are delighted that this technology has progressed from AiP to design maturity in just 17 months and we look forward to being fully GApp accredited.”
Jose Navarro, LR Global Gas Technology Principal Specialist – Marine & Offshore, said: “Through our Risk Based Design appraisal, the engineering solution of Babcock’s ecoSMRT® reliquefaction system has demonstrated its safety, robustness and compliance towards the LR General Approval. Its application onboard LNG Carriers provides an efficient environmental benefit by reducing CO2 and methane emissions.”
LR also supported GE with marine gas turbine and digital analytic solutions at Gastech after recently granting GE AiP as ‘Digital Twin READY’ for GE’s Predix Asset Performance Management.
GE’s LM2500 aeroderivative gas turbine - a modified jet engine - was the asset used to pilot through LR's digital compliance framework. “By using the LM2500 engine, we demonstrated to LR exactly how GE designs, builds, and operates the digital twin,” said GE’s Brien Bolsinger, Vice President, General Manager, Evendale, Ohio, USA.
Luis Benito, LR’s Innovation & Co-creation Director – Marine & Offshore said, “As the first classification society to operate in this space, we have worked collaboratively with other industry leaders to deliver our first pilot project - an approval in principle to the first level of Digital Compliance: ‘Digital Twin READY’ to GE Aviation. Defining the process for approving the output of a digital twin is the industry’s first step on a journey toward a truly digitalized classification service where we build trust in data to understand asset health over time.”
“The digital twin provides a rich, constantly evolving picture of machine health and operations, capturing everything from components to functions and entire processes for the asset. Digital twin can be further expanded to the propulsion plant and other areas on the ship, giving both a ship- and fleet-level view for the owner,” Bolsinger added.
In addition to this, HHI received AiP from LR for a VLGC design capable of using LPG as fuel. This development was the result of collaboration between HHI, Hyundai Global Service (HGS) and LR.
It is the first time the shipyard has received an AiP for LPG as a fuel design, as per the new IGC code. This demonstrates HHI’s firm commitment that it will play a progressive and active, leading role in environmental protection through technical innovation in the marine industry.
LPG has major advantages over MDO and HFO when a VLGC utilises the LPG cargo onboard as a fuel. However, safety issues need to be thoroughly examined particularly in relation to potential leaks of LPG in a confined space and the implications for ventilation. It is critical when considering the system design that, in the event of a leak from the fuel system any leaked LPG is prevented from collecting inside the vessel, especially the confined space within the engine room considering the ‘heavier than air’ property of LPG. This AiP opens up the way for VLGC operators, who, like the rest of the industry, face the challenge of reducing GHG emissions. Kisun Chung, Deputy COO in Group Ship/Offshore Marketing of HHI and CEO in Hyundai Global Service, said: “We have focused on developing the safe design for LPG-fuelled propulsion system. We are pleased to introduce the reliable design of VLGC with LPG burning system in the market for new building and also conversion vessels so that VLGC players can have environmentally-friendly vessels and maximize their benefits using their cargo carried onboard the vessels.”
LR has facilitated a HAZID workshop for the LPG fuel supply system and associated ancillaries in accordance with LR’s established ShipRight Procedure for Risk Based Designs. The concept design has been examined in conjunction with the result of HAZID. Jin-Tae Lee, Ph.D, Korea Chief Representative & Marine Manager, LR said: “We are very pleased with our role in this JDP to help the shipyard develop the reliable LPG-fuelled VLGC design free of latent risks due to the inherent LPG characteristics, and to enable the shipping industry to enjoy the commercial benefits with confidence in the safety and operability of the LPG burning system.” MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) participated in this joint development project as an engine designer. MAN ES recently launched its latest two-stroke engine type, a dual-fuel MAN B&W ME-LGIP engine designed for LPG running. MAN B&W ME-LGIP engines are designed for dual-fuel operation with LPG as a low-flashpoint fuel. The LGIP concept is also suitable as a retrofit solution, applicable for more than 3000 ME-C type engines in service.
René Sejer Laursen, ME-GI/LGI Promotion Manager of MAN Energy Solutions, stated that, “In the future it will be difficult for some ship types to meet emission requirements without using gas as fuel, such as ethane, LNG and LPG. By using gas as fuel there is the potential to achieve 20% more power.”
HGS was also involved in this joint development project, HGS is a subsidiary of the HHI group specialising in providing all round services in marine, offshore and the power generation segment. Recently, HGS has been working with major global shipping companies on the feasibility for conversion of LPGC vessels to LPG-fuelled propulsion systems in response to the upcoming environmental regulations. To pursue customer needs HGS has stepped up as a pioneer for eco-friendly retrofit solutions. As HHI and LR have now successfully completed the JDP, HGS is one step closer to providing safe and beneficial conversions for LPG players.
Furthermore, LR presented AiP to Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co., Ltd (Jiangnan) for a 7500 m3 LNG bunker vessel (LBV) designed to supply gas for ships using LNG as fuel in support of the rapid growth of LNG fuel demand in the marine market, connected to the approaching global sulphur 2020 limit.
Hu Keyi, Jiangnan Technical Director, said: “The 7500 m3 LBV has a compact design for compatibility with quays and ships, a well-developed hull to reach economical speed-power performance. A dual fuel diesel-electric (DFDE) propulsion system, two azimuth thrusters and one bow thruster to provide excellent manoeuvrability and safety while in port/at anchorage.”
He continued, “Two IMO type C LNG tanks and a state-of-art designed cargo handling system are equipped onboard to provide variable means of cargo handling, boil-off gas (BOG) management and ship to ship (STS) transfer.”
David Barrow, LR Commercial Director – Marine & Offshore, commented: “LR has classed several LNG bunkering vessels and is delighted to be able to use our experience in helping industry players develop LNG Bunkering Vessel designs to support Jiangnan with this project. Jiangnan prepared the concept design and outline specifications and LR provided assistance and support in terms of the specification review. LR also checked the design against IGC code, LR Gas Ship Rules as well as other relevant applicable standards.”
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