probunkers requests LNG bunkering license
Published by Lydia Woellwarth,
LNG Industry,
probunkers responded to the Request for Proposal (RFP) of The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for new licensees for supply of LNG as a marine fuel in the port of Singapore.
The submission request for an LNG bunkering license for the port of Singapore is aligned with the business plan of the company. Over the last two years the management team of probunkers has been working closely with all stakeholders in all areas of interest.
probunkers’ CEO, Alexander Prokopakis commented: “Our submission request for an LNG bunkering license for the Port of Singapore supports our quest to become the first independent global LNG bunker supplier. The LNG fuelled fleet is growing and we see an increasing interest from charterers and shipowners for LNG as a marine fuel. It is widely acceptable that in order to see significant development in LNG as a marine fuel changes need to be made. It is time for more commercial and transparent practices along the lines of traditional oil bunkering. Long-term contracts and commitments are the way of doing business in the past, the industry needs to move for-ward. This is the value proposition of probunkers.”
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore sees LNG as a solution to meet mid-to-long term needs of the international and domestic shipping community for cleaner marine fuel. There has been increasing interest among shipowners to use LNG as a marine fuel and an increasing number of ports equipped with the infrastructure for supply. The MPA launched the RFP on 28 October 2020 and the deadline for submission by interested parties was 15 December 2020. MPA seeks to announce the successful award of the new LNG bunker licensees by February 2021.
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