OLT Offshore LNG Toscana announces available capacity
Published by Lydia Woellwarth,
LNG Industry,
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana has announced that the available continuous capacity for annual and multi-year allocation, from gas year 2020/2021 to gas year 2033/2034, has been published on OLT’s website.
With reference to the annual and multi-year allocation with expression of interest that took place in May 2020, eight slots concerning gas year 2021/2022 and eight slots concerning gas year 2022/2023 have been allocated, for an overall allocated regasification capacity of 1 240 000 m3 liquid in both years. This important result represents for OLT an increase for the possibility to allocate over a longer period in the annual and multi-year auctions.
Following these allocations, the Company makes the regasification capacity available from gas year 2020/2021 to gas year 2033/2034 which has not yet been allocated.
Requirements for submitting the offer
By 26 June 2020, each Applicant that meets the Service Conditions shall sign the capacity agreement in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.1.7 of the Regasification Code and provide adequate financial guarantees in accordance with the provisions of Clause of the Regasification Code.
In order to participate in the capacity allocation, the Applicant must be eligible to operate on the Regasification Auction Platform in accordance with the relevant rules.
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. owns and manages the floating regasification terminal FSRU Toscana. The terminal, moored approximately 22 km off the coast between Livorno and Pisa, Italy, is connected to the national grid through a 36.5 km long pipeline, operated and managed by Snam Rete Gas, of which approximately 29.5 km at sea, 5 km in the floodway, and the remaining 2 km on dry land. At full capacity, FSRU Toscana has a maximum regasification capacity of 3.75 billion m3/y, approximately 5% of the national requirement.
Read the article online at: https://www.lngindustry.com/liquid-natural-gas/15062020/olt-offshore-lng-toscana-announces-available-capacity/
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