Bureau Veritas completes classification of FRU
Published by Sarah Smith,
Assistant Editor
LNG Industry,
Bureau Veritas (BV), a company specialising in testing, inspection, and certification (TIC), has announced the completion of the classification of the Torman LNG floating regasification unit (FRU) at Tema port, Ghana, in sheltered waters. The unit is combined with a floating storage unit (FSU) for the delivery of gas to onshore consumers.
This exciting development of Gasfin’s facility – involving the Torman LNG FRU and a Moss-type LNG FSU, both classed by Bureau Veritas – paves the way for the first deliveries of LNG to a terminal in Sub-Saharan Africa and will contribute to meeting Ghana’s growing cleaner energy demand. The volume that Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) will be taking is equivalent to circa 1300 MW of combined cycle power plant capacity.
The 95-m length, newly built FRU was constructed at CSSC Jiangnan Shipyard in China and fitted with two IMO type-C tanks, and has a storage capacity of 28 000 m3. The LNG FRU is designed for a regasification capacity of around 1.7 million tpy of LNG and will be in operation for approximately 20 years.
The classification and certification scope, successfully conducted by Bureau Veritas, included the design, review, approval, material certification, and construction surveys of the LNG FRU at Jiangnan shipyard, as well as Tema port. Additionally, Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore – the consultative arm of Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore – ensured verification and surveys associated with the design, fabrication, and incorporation of the natural gas send-out heater skid system onto the Torman LNG FRU. During the unit’s service years, Bureau Veritas will be supporting Gasfin’s management, reassuring stakeholders of the structural soundness of the unit and its safety, through regular conformity checks to Bureau Veritas’ classification rules and international standards.
Kerem Kiper, Vice President of Middle East, Africa, and India at Bureau Veritas, commented: “This is a great achievement for all the teams involved. This project proves that alternative solutions to produce and store electricity are available. It opens up new opportunities in Africa for LNG floating units. I am proud of the BV team as we continue to demonstrate our expertise across the LNG value chain.”
Read the article online at: https://www.lngindustry.com/regasification/23032021/bureau-veritas-completes-classification-of-fru/
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