September 2008
On this month's cover: The Magnatech Pipeliner II automatic pipe welding system is used by contractors worldwide for gas and oil pipelines. Magnatech supplies a complete package to the pipeline industries, including equipment such as internal line-up clamps, welding tractors, vacuum pipe lifters and consumables.
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Editorial comment
Pipeline news
Pipeline news
Pipeline machinery review
Pipeline machinery review
China slowdown?
Ng Weng Hoong examines China’s oil market and the various pressures acting on it, including a decline in energy intensity and growing political risk.
Propelling pigs
Peter Verkiel, Brenntag Oil & Gas, The Netherlands.
Going to great lengths
Faisal Mahmood and Hassan Dehaini, J. Ray McDermott, USA.
Going deeper
Stefano Bianchi and Roberto Bruschi, Saipem S.p.A., Italy.
Now hiring
David Edwards, Chief Executive of the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), UK.
Managing change
Greg Lamberson, International Construction Consulting, LLC, USA.
Deep down and diverless
John Stobbart, Vector International, UK.
Arctic race
Gord Cope discusses the race between pipeliners to build the first natural gas pipeline in the Arctic.
Long-term performance
Dr. Shiwei William Guan, Bredero Shaw, Canada and Dr. Dennis Wong, ShawCor, Canada.
The knowledge void?
Pete Barnes, Dynalog, UK.
Welding in the Andes
Scott Funderburk, Lincoln Electric, USA.
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