May 2015
The May issue of LNG Industry focuses on the latest developments in Europe, with articles from Klaipedos Nafta, Enagas, Gate terminal and Titan LNG. The issue looks at small scale LNG, transfer systems and NGL recovery. It also includes a preview of a selection of exhibitors at this year’s World Gas Conference in Paris, France.
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Diversifying Europe’s energy supply
Peter Kiernan, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), UK, looks at how LNG will become an increasingly key component of Europe’s energy supply.
Opening the doors to LNG
Indre Miliniene, SC Klaipedos Nafta, Lithuania, considers the significance of the country’s first LNG terminal for energy security in the Baltic region.
The key to the global gas market
Claudio Rodriguez, Fernando Impuesto and Jesús Gutiérrez, Enagás, Spain, discuss how adapting the country’s regasification plants to market needs will play a key role in the development of an Iberian LNG hub.
LNG without limits
Stefaan Adriaens, Gate Terminal B.V., the Netherlands, outlines the various options for the supply of LNG in northwest Europe.
Downstream LNG developments
Ronald van Selm, Titan LNG B.V., the Netherlands, considers the development of the small scale LNG sector in northwest Europe.
Weighing the options
Grace Quinn, Baringa Partners, UK, puts forward the case for LNG as a fuel of the future.
Dash for gas infrastructure
Rupert Hare, Houlder Ltd, UK, examines recent and future infrastructure developments in the small to mid scale LNG industry.
Compatibility matters
Richard Hepworth, Trelleborg Marine Systems, UAE, considers the importance of transfer compatibility in ensuring the principles of safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness in small scale LNG operations.
Right first time
Gordon Young, Gazprom Marketing & Trading, provides an overview of the company’s first ship-to-ship transfer of LNG at sea.
Bigger is better
Simon Bishop, Dunlop Oil & Marine, UK, considers the benefits of a large bore composite hose in ship-to-ship LNG transfer systems.
Floating on the horizon
Richard Nott, Lloyd’s Register Energy, UK, asks whether natural gas is becoming cleaner, safer, more affordable and easier to obtain.
Advanced air cooling
Nicolas Bariteau, GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques S.A.S, France; Jérémy Provost, Technip, France; and Jean El Hajal and Karine Brand, Wieland Thermal Solutions, Germany, discuss how finned tube technology in air cooled heat exchangers can improve LNG plant efficiency.
NGL recovery processes
Christian Bladanet, Nathalie Millot and Vincent Tirilly, Technip, France, discuss cryogenic NGL recovery processes and how they can be adapted to work upstream of a natural gas liquefaction unit.
Recovery reassurance
Sladan Kovacevic and Jerome Sialelli, Sofregaz, France, discuss the advantages of a new process for C2+ recovery from LNG.
Playing the field
New gas sources are introducing more frequent gas compositional changes that will influence the performance of gas appliances. Dr. Ph. Prêtre, MEMS AG, Switzerland, examines how industry users should respond.
Removing all traces
Tony Wimpenny, Orbital Global Solutions, UK, addresses the technical challenge of measuring trace analytes in the LNG industry.
World Gas Conference Preview
LNG Industry previews a selection of the companies that will be exhibiting at this year’s World Gas Conference in Paris, France from 1 – 5 June 2015.
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