August 2020
The August issue of LNG Industry includes a regional report addressing the status of the European LNG industry, as well as a multitude of technical articles covering small scale LNG, pumps and valves, floating LNG, software, and more.
This month's front cover is brought to you by Gas and Heat SpA.
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Resilience in a tough gas market
Peter Kiernan, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Singapore, provides an update on the status of the European LNG industry.
Bigger isn't always better
John Burrow and Laura Musick, Black & Veatch, outline how a resurgence in the popularity of small scale LNG facilities is meeting the needs of investors concerned about the industry’s current state of over-supply.
A modular mindset
Raj Palla and Paula Flowers, Honeywell UOP, USA, explain how modularised construction can lead to the low-cost production of LNG.
Don't let the cold catch you out
Matt Byers, Baker Hughes, USA, outlines the engineering best practices used today to optimise the design of pressure relief valves operating under cryogenic conditions.
Refocus the energy
Enver Karakas and Stephen Ross, Elliott Group, USA, describe how liquid and two-phase expanders are designed to boost the efficiency of LNG liquefaction.
No need for diving
Danny Constantinis, EM&I Group, Malta, highlights the increased role of floating LNG in the future, particularly in remote regions.
Time for a rethink?
Rob Butler, UK, and David Jetter, USA, Baker Botts L.L.P., review the use of FSRUs since FSRU time charter parties were introduced, and whether change here is needed.
A shield of protection
Carl Barnes, Safinah Group, UK, details the need for protective coatings to maintain the integrity and value of LNG carriers throughout their trading lifetimes.
Will Covid crimp LNG as bunker fuel?
Joanna Martin Ziegenfuss and Shiyana Gunasekara, BRG Energy & Climate Practice, USA, analyse the LNG bunkering market, addressing changes in growth and demand as a result of the global pandemic.
Solutions for smarter ship navigation
Phil Thompson, BMT, Europe, explores how new digital solutions can continue to help improve e-navigation and voyage planning in the LNG shipping sector.
Knowledge is power
Adrian Park, Hexagon’s PPM division, Norway, addresses the challenges to be faced by the LNG industry in the future, and where adjustments should be made.
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