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Eniram to support Containerships with fuel management

LNG Industry,

Eniram Ltd, provider of energy management technology and data analytic services to the shipping industry, will help Containerships Oy to optimise vessel performance and reduce fuel consumption.

LNG options

Commenting on the partnership, Frederic Leca, COO of Containerships, said: “We are very pleased to be working with Eniram and look forward to a prolific, long-lasting relationship. Our constant focus on reducing our emissions via improved consumption is very much in line with our company environmental strategy (LNG vessels, LNG trucks and extensive use of intermodality).

“Furthermore, we see an excellent fit between two leading Nordic companies who can share different experiences: short seas shipping and Eniram fuel consumption reduction expertise".

Fuel efficiency

Jonas Bergring, VP Sales & Marketing at Eniram, added: "We are delighted to be selected by Containerships, Eniram's first ever Finnish customer. Eniram's Platform, Trim and Speed will all be deployed to optimise fuel efficiency and enhance the vessels' eco-friendly design, and we will also be debuting our new solid state attitude sensors which boast increased accuracy and reliability for the recording of sea state conditions.

"Containerships' investment in energy management shows their clear determination to propose greener transportation, and we look forward to working together on new projects in the future."

Adapted from press release by Katie Woodward

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