ANGF to build multi-liquefier LNG platform
America’s second largest producer and marketer of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Applied Natural Gas Fuels Inc. (ANGF), has revealed its plans to build a multi-liquefier LNG production platform in Midlothian, Texas. The platform, which is to be called the Midlothian Plant, will consist of up to five liquefiers with a production capacity of 86 000 LNG gallons per day per liquefier, and a total on-site storage of 1.5 million LNG gallons. ANGF has already secured the land and has begun the permitting process.
The Midlothian Plant is expected to be operational in mid-2015. It will focus on end users in the high-horsepower, trucking, oil and gas, rail, marine, remote power and mining markets that nominally use diesel fuel and are interested in converting to a lower-cost, cleaner-burning alternative.
“A better way to fuel America”
Cem Hacioglu, ANGF’s President and CEO, noted that the Midlothian Plant represents a significant step in the company’s bid to provide cost-effective LNG to a growing base of customers. “LNG, he said, “is a proven fuel with a strong track record that will continue to move us towards energy independence and a better way to fuel America”.
600 000 LNG gal/d
ANGF is currently in the process of doubling the production capacity at its LNG Plant in Topock, Arizona by adding a second liquefier, which is scheduled to come on line in July 2014. When completed, the Topock Plant will produce about 170 000 LNG gallons per day. Upon commissioning of all five liquefiers at the Midlothian Plant, ANGF's total production capacity will reach over 600 000 LNG gallons per day. ANGF are due to announce the details of an open season for the Midlothian Plant and the remaining capacity at the Topock Plant in the upcoming weeks.
Adapted from press release by Ted Monroe
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