Tanker ‘Fure Vinga’ completes first LNG bunkering operation in Europe
Published by Will Owen,
LNG Industry,
Furetank’s Fure Vinga recently undertook its first LNG bunkering in Europe. The vessel received 120 t of LNG from six tanker trucks during an operation that took place at the Port of Cartagena.
“We are happy that the first LNG bunkering operation for the Fure Vinga in Europe took place without a hitch thanks to the cooperation from all those involved, including the crew of the vessel and the port authorities, as well as the cooperation between Gas Natural Fenosa and Nauticor”, said Lars Höglund, CEO of Furetank.
“This type of operation shows that the use of LNG as a marine fuel is an economical, real, and available solution for shipping companies, guaranteeing supply at ports around the world”, said Joaquin Mendiluce, Wholesale Commercialisation Manager Iberia of Gas Natural Fenosa.
The LNG experts from the two companies decided to work together and cooperate on this operation, thereby expanding their LNG supply network and highlighting the potential of LNG as a marine fuel in Europe. “Our experience with LNG made it possible for this bunkering operation to go smoothly, showing the client that the availability of LNG as a marine fuel is improving day by day”, said Mahinde Abeynaike, CEO of Nauticor.
The Swedish vessel Fure Vinga is the first in a series of six newbuild tankers to be used for the transportation of chemical products owned and operated by Furetank, who are based in Donsö. This is the second LNG-fuelled vessel in the company’s fleet and joins the oil/chemical tanker Fure West, which has been using LNG for fuel since 2015.
Read the article online at: https://www.lngindustry.com/liquid-natural-gas/29052018/tanker-fure-vinga-completes-first-lng-bunkering-operation-in-europe/
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