WeissLaw LLP investigates Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC acquisition
Published by Will Owen,
LNG Industry,
WeissLaw LLP is investigating possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law by the Board of Directors of Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC in connection with the proposed acquisition of the company by majority stakeholder Cheniere Energy Inc. (LNG).
Under the terms of the agreement, CQH shareholders will receive 0.475 shares of LNG for each CQH share they own. This represents consideration of US$29.94, based on LNG June 19 trading price of US$63.04.
WeissLaw is investigating whether CQH's Board acted to maximise shareholder value prior to entering into the agreement, and whether CQH's shareholders will obtain their fair and proportionate share of the company's continued success and growth prospects.
Read the article online at: https://www.lngindustry.com/liquid-natural-gas/21062018/weisslaw-llp-investigates-cheniere-energy-partners-lp-holdings-llc-acquisition/
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