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Tanzania acquires land for LNG plant

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LNG Industry,

According to Reuters, Tanzania has reached a deal regarding the acquisition of land in Likong’o village, Lindi, on which to construct an LNG plant. It is now working to resettle and compensate the people who live there. Tanzania Petroleum Development Corp. (TPDC) has set aside 2071.705 ha. of land for the site, and an additional 17 000 ha. has been set aside for the construction of an industrial park.

TPDC said: “After securing the title deed, the law requires the owner to pay compensation to the relevant parties based on a valuation done by the chief government valuer."

In cooperation with BG Group, Statoil, Exxon Mobil and Ophir Energy, TPDC will aim to start up the two-train plant by the early 2020s. The construction of the plant has previously been delayed because of issues regarding the site.

Reuters also reports that John Magufuli, the President of Tanzania, has promised greater urgency in decision-making, accepting the complaints from businesses regarding delays.

Edited from various sources by David Rowlands

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