Outage at Sabine Pass liquefaction plant
Published by Will Owen,
LNG Industry,
According to Reuters, Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass LNG liquefaction and export plant is currently running significantly below production capacity, resulting in delays to cargo deliveries.
Feed gas supply into the liquefaction plant plunged sharply during the weekend, data on the Thomson Reuters Eikon terminal showed.
On 19 January flows reportedly fell, from 15 January levels of 3.2 billion ft3/d, to 630 million ft3/d.
Sources have speculated that several production trains are offline due to cold weather disrupting the water supply.
Delays to cargo loadings and deliveries are expected to have impact exports to Asian markets in both February and March.
Read the article online at: https://www.lngindustry.com/liquefaction/23012018/outage-at-sabine-pass-liquefaction-plant/
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