May 2008
On this month's cover: Chart E & C’s Process Systems group is a process designer and fabricator of engineered solutions, which are used to cool light hydrocarbon gas mixtures to cryogenic temperatures, where the component gases liquefy and can be separated and purified for further use in multiple industrial applications, such as LNG.
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Editorial comment
LNG News
LNG News
Asian pace setters
Ng Weng Hoon, LNG Industry Correspondent, looks at the aggressive bidding currently being carried out by Asian LNG buyers as worldwide supplies tighten
Weathering the storm
Rebekah Bostan, Global Insight, UK and Andrew Ellis, Global Insight, France, look at the role of global LNG in maintaining European security of supply
Trouble ahead?
Marco Boeri and Helene Drouilly, BNP Paribas, France, discuss LNG tension in the Pacific Basin
The high life
Wendy Laursen, DNV, Australia, discusses how accuracy helps achieve a high Q-flex design life specification
Contributing to the LNG value supply chain
Erica Cecchi, SBM Offshore, Monaco, describes the investments SBM Offshore have made in its product and services portfolios over the past few years, and its continued research to keep it at the forefront of the offshore LNG market
Floating away
Klaus Gerdsmeyer, TGE Marine Gas Engineering, looks at a design concept for floating LNG units with an alternative cargo containment system
An offshore gift
Michel Vaché, DORIS Engineering, France, traces the development of GIFT, the company’s LNG floating storage regasification unit project
The custody battle
Oddbjørn Årvik, Kongsberg Maritime, Japan, explores the technical and political needs of the growing and fast changing LNG transport industry that presents numerous challenges to CTS manufacturers, such as Norway’s Kongsberg Maritime
Ship to ship
E. van Bokhorst, B. van den Beemt, N. Mallon and G. van der Weijde, TNO, the Netherlands, S. Verwey, Gutteling BV, the Netherlands and P. Englebert, Exmar, Belgium, explore the qualification of flexible multi composite hoses for the ship to ship transfer of LNG
Injecting something new
John Linwood and Rainer Düdi, Burckhardt Compression, Kjeld Aabo and Rene S. Larensen, MAN Diesel, The Netherlands, describe boil off gas operations on LNG carriers with duel fuel propulsion plants
Concept to reality
Stephen Morgan, Chart Process Systems, USA, discusses mid scale LNG
If it is built, will they come?
Patti Schom-Moffatt, Kitimat LNG, Canada, describes a LNG terminal project in North America
BOG recovery versus flaring
D. Rivera and J.L. de la Viuda, FLUOR, Spain, present an LNG terminal case study
Leading in LNG storage from the beginning
Paul de Bruin, Honeywell Enraf, The Netherlands, explores LNG storage options
Approaching safety
John Colpo, Honeywell, Australia, debates LNG terminal safety options
Foam fire protection
Keith Olson, Ansul Incorporated, USA, describes the installation of a high expansion foam system in an LNG terminal facility
The scheme of things
Dave Holbrook and Nagaraju Palla, UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, USA, look at a front end feed gas purification integrated process flow scheme
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