Raman method for custody transfer measurements of LNG
During the past several years, the European Gas Research Group (GERG) has undertaken a project to evaluate Raman spectroscopy as an alternative to traditional gas chromatography/vaporiser systems to measure the composition of LNG for contractual and fiscal metering.
Through the use of a cryogenic fibre optically-coupled Raman optical probe, measurements of LNG are made directly in the liquid phase, reducing the complexity of the LNG monitoring system. This paper provides background on the Raman technique and hardware used for LNG measurements, development of the LNG model using certified LNG reference standard samples, field validation data from an installation at the Fluxys terminals LNG discharge line, final results and conclusions of the GERG evaluation project, and exemplary results for field installations at LNG satellite and peak shaving sites and on LNG bunkering vessels.
Download this white paper from Endress+Hauser today to find out more.