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Pieridae Energy CEO joins trade mission to Germany


LNG Industry,

President and CEO of Pieridae Energy, Alfred Sorensen, joined Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and Edward Fast, Canada’s Minster of International Trade, as part of the Canadian delegation on a trade mission to Germany in March.

Sorensen met with Harper, Fast, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other government and business leaders to discuss international trade between Canada and Germany.

Goldboro LNG

In June 2013, Pieridae entered into a 20-year sales agreement with German-based E.ON Global Commodities SE, a subsidiary of E.ON, to deliver approximately 5 million tpa of LNG from Goldboro LNG to E.ON.

Sorensen sees Goldboro LNG, North America’s closest mainland LNG export terminal to Europe, as having an important role in the long-term energy solution for Germany and other European nations.

Adapted from press release by Katie Woodward