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Making the right energy choices


LNG Industry,

API President Jack Gerard called on the administration and Congress to start making the right choices on energy if they want to put the nation on track for more economic growth and job creation.

‘While we have abundant resources, and the ability to access those resources safely, responsibly, and with care for the environment, the US seems to lack one thing: the political will to act,’ Gerard said in remarks delivered on 18th January at the US Energy Association’s 8th annual State of the Energy Industry Forum in Washington D.C. ‘When it comes to domestic resources, what we hear and what we see from the current administration are often two different things.’

‘Instead of encouraging production of more of the nation’s energy, putting people to work and raising revenue, administration decisions on access and permitting are taking us down the wrong track,’ Gerard said. ‘These decisions are discouraging oil and natural gas development, including development of the nation’s vast shale gas reserves. The administration has also put the brakes on the nation’s biggest shovel ready project, the Keystone XL pipeline, which could create 20 000 jobs in two years and connect US refineries to increased supplies of secure Canadian crude oil,’ he said.

Gerard said that API will encourage voters to ‘make energy a ballot box issue’ this election year through its ‘Vote4Energy’ campaign. The campaign will include advertising, activation of API’s 10 million strong plus grassroots organisations, meetings with union and other groups, rallies and speaking with thought leaders and policy makers.

‘If we have the political will to access more domestic oil and natural gas, there will be more jobs (1 million of them in just 7 years), and more revenue for all levels of government,’ Gerard said. ‘In our national poll of registered voters conducted last month, 70% agreed that some in Washington are delaying development of domestic oil and natural gas, which could hurt our economy and lead to higher energy costs for consumers.’