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VIDEO: Moving America with LNG


LNG Industry,

As liquefied natural gas (LNG) is being put to use in a growing number of applications, individuals, regulators and potential customers are asking a number of questions:

  • What is LNG?
  • How is LNG produced, stored and transported?
  • How is LNG ultimately used?

In the video 'Moving America', ANGA takes viewers across the US to answer these questions and explain how greater use of LNG can benefit the nation.

Edited by Katie Woodward


ANGA: DOE decision is ‘positive step’

ANGA has released a statement on the Department of Energy’s decision to grant final approval to Cameron LNG and Carib Energy.

VIDEO: Act on LNG campaign

The Act on LNG campaign, headed up by the American Council for Capital Formation, has released a video highlighting the essential role that LNG exports have to play in the US.

VIDEO: BBC LNG documentary

Richard Hammond presents a documentary on LNG as part of the BBC 2 television series 'Engineering Connections'.